Books - of course!
You can renew checkouts by phone. Just call us.
DVDs & CD Audio Books
No Netflix? No problem! You can check out up to 4 DVDs at a time with your library card. Try an audio book on CD for your next road trip or for the daily drive.
Printing & Copying
Print documents from a library computer or forward your email with PDF or WORD file to wsplguest@gmail.com and we can print it for you.
Copies made too.
$.25 per page black & white, $.50 per page color
Faxes and Scans
Faxing is $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page. Cover pages available upon request.
Document and photo scanning is free. We can save the files to your own USB flash drive or email them.
Laptops & Hot Spots
If you have a library account in good standing you can check out a laptop (no charge) or a Wi-Fi hotspot ($1/day).
Hotspot connectivity is based on location and cell tower coverage.
Wolfner Library
The Wolfner Library serves qualifying Missourians who are unable to read standard print materials due to blindness, visual impairment, or physical disability, either temporary or permanent. Free loan of audio, braille and large-print books, audio players, magazines and newspapers, and films with descriptive narration. Materials sent free by mail.
Applications for the service available upon request
or call 1-800-392-2614.
Book Sale
As we add new books to the collection, we have to clear out inventory to make room on the shelves. You never know what you'll find- from recent best-seller to vintage.
Raid the sofa cushions and find some change to go shopping!
Inter-Library Loan
Because Willow Springs Public Library is networked with over 60 other Missouri libraries, you get access to a catalog of more than 4 million items! There are books, DVDs, audio books, and even video games!
Place a "hold request" on the item you want, and it will arrive in 1-2 weeks for you to borrow. Download the free Missouri Evergreen App (link above) to browse the catalog yourself!
E-Books & Digital Audio Books
With your library card you get access to eBooks and digital audiobooks on Libby. Download them to your device and they're available even offline. You'll need an active library account and 4-digit PIN. We can help you set it up.
We can laminate documents up to 8.5x11 in either 3mil or 5mil. $1.00/page
Wi-Fi & Computers
24/7 Free WiFi. Open your WiFi network search and connect to "Library Guest."
It's even accessible from the comfort of your vehicle after hours.
Computers are available during library hours for business and personal use. All internet access is filtered and monitored for security.
Newspapers & Magazines
Read the latest editions of: The West Plains Quill, Howell County News, Summersville Beacon, and The Epoch Times.
In-library use only.
Magazines may be checked out for 1 week.
Curbside Service & After-Hours Book-Drop
Call us for curbside service! 417-469-3482. We'll pick up your returns and even bring requested books out to you.
After hours you can return items in the book drop located on the side of the building facing 3rd Street.
STEM Education Kits
Adults with full-access accounts in good standing may check out a STEM kit. WE have kits for reading, math, art, science, engineering, robotics, programming and more!
Kits are designed for ages 3+.
There are metal detectors, bird-watching kits, fishing kits, and even one for road trip fun.